Our Project

Our project

We bought this land late 2012 and our development project started in January 2013. The first step was to study the topography of the land, and determine exactly the location of each plot, each street, and the common areas.


Now we have divided our land into 100 plots that you can see here, and after a few months of administrative work, we are happy to announce that our individual deeds for each plot have been emitted by the national registry of property.


That means that any buyer will obtain a full title of property once the full payment has been made for their plot. Instead of taking you almost a year to have your plot registered, it will only be a matter of transferring the deed over to you and should take a couple of months.

A respectful development

San Pedro Itza is located at the edge of the Biosfera Maya, and Tikal National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This region has a rich eco-system and we intend to develop our land as respectfully as possible.





New lagoon

A few examples of what we intend to build

As of July 2014 we have dug well to provide water to the first few plots. Buyers will be responsible for setting up their pipes from the water tank to their houses. The well is located near plot 90 and 91 (view map) and provides 15 gallons a minute of clear water.

well digging guatemala

Each resident will be in charge of installing a septic tank, and we will recommend a line of ecological ones that are affordable.

You can get electricity plugged to your plot if you are less than 200 meters away from the main line. At the moment, that means most plots can be plugged for a small $25 fee, the main line bordering the South and Eastern part of the development.


Reservoir of rained and pumped water.

The central and Eastern plots can be wired too, please get in touch for an estimate.

Beach access

As you can see on the maps, our project is located on the other side of the road, one block from the shores of lake Petén Itzá. As of July 2014, we have bought a 2 acres beach on the other side of the road, with 100 meters of shore line.


Our new beach, known as Playa Blanca, will offer public access to our residents, and there also are a few small plots for sale right on the water if you wish to make a small house there.

Infrastructure is basic at the moment, there is a small deck for swimming and we are paving the road that goes down to the water so people can launch their boats or get their jet-skis down.


Down the road, we are hoping to partner with someone wishing to open a restaurant or a bar as well.


Our new restaurant.

Small ecological farms

We are looking for similar minded people to share our values or simple living and ecological respect. Ideally, people looking to settle at San Pedro Itzá will want to start a garden, maybe have a few animals like hens or ducks, and produce part of their food.

There is no obligation and you can keep your plot for residential purposes only. But that is the reason why we are selling ample plots, so that each resident can have space to start a small production.